Classroom Management

Classroom Management

We have 5 rules in the classroom:
1.   Listen when someone is talking.
2.  Follow directions the first time they are given.
3.  Treat everyone with kindness and respect.
4.  Take care of our school and classroom.
5.   Work and play safely and quietly. 

We will be focusing on making positive and helpful choices daily.  By utilizing the classroom behavior clip chart, students will be able to monitor their behavior choices.  Everyday the students will start on Ready to Learn.  By making positive or helpful choices during the day, the kiddos will be able to move their clip up the chart.
If children choose not to follow one of our classroom
rules or makes inappropriate choices during the day, they will have to move their clip down the chart.  Remember, I am trying to teach responsibility and that our behavior and choices have consequences.  Students will get to move up and down throughout the day based on the choices they make.

I will utilize our Star Community time (free play time) to discuss or implement consequences for inappropriate behavior choices. These consequences may include losing Star Community time, coping/writing our classroom rules, or an office visit if needed. 

Everyday your child and I will be filling out his or her discipline sheet. I will make additional comments on the sheet as needed.  I ask that you review your child’s discipline sheet with him or her every night.  If you would please sign it each day and return it to school, I would appreciate it.    If you have questions, please feel free to call.  Thanks

Warm Fuzzy Fun

Every day the students will be able earn “Little Warm Fuzzies” for their positive and helpful behavior choices.  To incorporate counting, on Fridays they will be able to exchange 10 of their “Little Warm Fuzzies” for “Medium Warm Fuzzies.”  When they get 10 “Medium Warm Fuzzies,” they will be able to exchange them in for a “Large Warm Fuzzy Monster!” 

 Daily Warm Fuzzy Rewards

Reward Coupons
At the end of the week if the kiddos have 5 stickers on their behavior chart, they will have the opportunity to pick out a weekly reward coupon.  These coupons are good for things like Lunch Date With the Teacher, Fancy Pen, Sit at the Teachers Desk, Take Your Shoes Off All Day, Chew Gum in Class, Piece of Candy, etc. 

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